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Putas Ibiza: The "yes is yes" law bans prostitute ads in Ibiza

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Women's legs

Do the whores Ibiza are their days numbered? This is what the prostitutes of this Balearic island could surely think since the use of any media to promote prostitution was banned as a result of the approval of the "yes is yes" law which makes this action illegal, not only there, but in the whole of Spain. In the blog of Queens Ibiza we tell you all about it so that you are informed.

What is the Law of yes is yes

Judge's gavel

This refers to Organic Law 10/2022, also known as the Comprehensive Guarantee of Sexual Freedom Law, passed on 25 August 2022.

Its purpose is to address sexual violence and to establish actions that allow for punishment commensurate with the magnitude of the act committed in this area.

However, despite the good intentions of this law, its scope has had a counterproductive effect on one of the oldest activities in the world: prostitution.

Restricting advertising to promote prostitution

Restriction of advertising on prostitution

Since the approval of the "yes is yes" law, the prostitutes in Ibiza have found it difficult to make their services known in this region, in the same way as other sex workers in Spain.

The reason is that this law, in its section Prevention and awareness-raising in the field of advertising, specifically in Article 11, establishes the following:

"Advertising that uses gender stereotypes that promote or normalise sexual violence against women, girls, boys and adolescents, as well as advertising that promotes prostitution in the terms established in Law 34/1998, of 11 November, General Law on Advertising, shall be considered illegal."

Furthermore, the content of this law forced changes to be made to the General Law on Advertising in order to prevent women from being portrayed in a way that would be demeaning to their integrity, which, guess what it includes? That's right, prostitution.

Tricks used by websites to circumvent the Yes is Yes Law

Despite the limitations of the implementation of the "yes is yes" law for the promotion of prostitutes, there will always be a grey area that can be exploited.

Some websites specialising in the publication of such services have had to overcome the linguistic obstacles caused by this law. So if they could no longer place ads offering explicit sexual services, they would have to find other words to do so. This is how they found a lifeline that would allow them to stay afloat legally.

One of them was Scompi, which is among the most visited websites by those looking for hookers luxury in Ibiza or anywhere else in Spain.

Once inside, we find profiles of women using sophisticated descriptions to offer their sexual services. Women offering themselves as masseuses or escorts have been strategies that have allowed these and similar websites to stay out of the reach of the 'yes is yes' law.

Migration to other platforms to promote prostitution

Telephone with image of girl in underwear

Many sexual services websites have been shut down as a result of the implementation of the Yes Is Yes law. Some tried changing domains or avoiding falling into specificity, but to no avail.

However, this did not stop the prostitutes in Ibiza to find online alternatives to offer their services.

This is how hundreds of them found refuge in dating apps like Tinder or Badoo to promote themselves. Hence, you can find women's profiles with some pictures accompanied by their phone number and the rates of their sexual services.

The problem is that this has led to the proliferation of a large number of such profiles, deviating from the initial purpose of these platforms.

Telegram is another platform that has been used by sex workers to promote their services. This represents an inaccessible terrain for the Yes is Yes Law, as it has no control over what is published there.

The field of social media has also been no stranger to the digital migration of prostitution. It is possible to find women offering themselves as masseuses, friends or escorts to camouflage their sexual services on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram.

In this regard, the leader of the Association of Sex Work (ASTRAS) and spokesperson for prostitutes in Spain, Susana Pastor, indicated that "Advertising can be banned, but we will make a living for ourselves. The same will happen with prostitution, we have to keep on eating".

Escort Advisor: Website to find whores Ibiza

Escort Advisor

Escort Advisor is another of those websites that has managed to evade the restrictions established by the "yes is yes" law in order to allow interested persons to find a job. sluts in Ibizaas well as in other regions of Spain. This website is presented as a community where members can leave feedback and ratings of their encounters with sex workers, masseuses, escorts, etc.

And although promoting prostitution represents an illegal form of advertising according to the Organic Law 10/2022 of 6 September, the website states that "There are no advertisements, there are professional profiles of escorts offering a service". In addition to this, it is hosted in Switzerland.

This website boasts of being one where you will find reviews of the best escorts in Spain, as well as access to their collection of profiles that constitute a compilation of the most popular erotic advertising platforms.

Once you enter the site, you will notice the presence of a search bar known as the "busca putas" in which you can locate girls by province, city, name or phone number. You will also find a section where you can check the rating given to the girls by other users. If you want to make orgies in Ibiza in Queens Ibiza we have the best guide.

What is Escort Advisor's position on the Yes is Yes Law?

With regard to the Yes is Yes Law, Escort Advisor points out that while this legal instrument does not prohibit women from engaging in prostitution or advertising, prohibiting them from doing so through advertising leaves them without many options to advertise their service.

Even so, this website continues to provide sex workers and other sex workers with the opportunity to do so, as well as to publish other content. All of this is free of advertisements, as the site makes it clear that these are professional profiles of escorts offering their services.

Mike Morra, founder of Escort Advisor, says that as legitimate and fair as the Yes is Yes law may seem in its intention to protect women from violence, it has ended up being used as a tool to reduce women's freedoms.

He also points out that one of the advantages of the absence of restrictions is the ability to choose freely.

Morra feels that this ability has been disadvantaged for sex workers with the passing of this law. She also pointed out that the "yes is yes" law puts Spain in a paradox where selling and buying sex is not a crime, but its dissemination through marketing is prohibited.

That is why through Escort Advisor, Morra guarantees all sex workers in Spain a space where they can create a profile where they can upload their photos and accompany them with information to promote their services and exercise them in a free and spontaneous way.

Legal scope of the Yes is Yes Law on Escort Advisor

As a site hosted on a server in Switzerland, Escort Advisor is able to operate with peace of mind, providing its visitors with a place to find the best escorts in Switzerland. sluts in Ibiza and the rest of Spain.

According to legal experts, the fact that this website is not hosted in Spain represents an obstacle to sanctioning it through the "yes is yes" law.

In that sense, Escort Advisor is a Swiss company that promotes the prostitution of others. Therefore, if the offence is committed there, Swiss law should be applied first and let the Swiss courts deal with the case.

Although usually the judge of the place where the crime is committed is the competent entity, it is necessary to bear in mind that this criterion of jurisdiction can be broader in crimes committed on the Internet, depending on the case.

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs' action in the application of the "Yes is Yes" law

Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs

Controlling the use of advertising to promote prostitution can be a difficult task with the number of prostitution websites that exist.

Even so, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs through its Directorate General assumed this responsibility and opened proceedings against several online platforms that maintained advertisements offering prostitution services despite having been warned by the government in advance to remove them.

In addition, the companies owning these websites were fined up to 100,000 euros, which could be accompanied by permanent closure.

Ministry of Consumer Affairs data on the use of advertising to promote prostitution

Once the investigation was completed, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs published the results on its website, which were obtained from the analysis of more than 400 advertisements and the collection of 5,600 pieces of data.

It was revealed that 99.5% of the advertisements featured photographs of a sexual nature. Meanwhile, 57% alluded to the body of the person offering their services, while the use of words with sexual connotations was recorded in 62.5% of these advertisements.

Another point to highlight from the investigation carried out by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs is that most of these advertisements were presented under the name of escorts in order to evade the sanction of the "yes is yes" law.

This situation was observed on 90% of the pages analysed, specifically in the search filters and advertising spaces.

Moreover, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs points out that its actions are in line with the European Parliament, which has also set its sights on the eradication of this type of advertising.

Prostitutes' views on the "Yes is Yes" law

Unsurprisingly, the adverse effects of the "yes is yes" law in the area of prostitution did not go down well with the prostitutes. prostitutes in Ibiza and the rest of Spain, as well as the administrators of websites in this area.

For them, the law is based on government fallacies. They have pushed the narrative that up to 95% of women in prostitution do so as part of a trafficking or sexual exploitation scheme.

For sex workers this statistic is exaggerated and they rely more on data provided by academics such as Mariona Llobet or Carmen Meneses who place this situation at a maximum of 12%.

This is why many of the sex workers demanded that political groups in the Congress of Deputies take into account the proposal offered by the PNV to appoint a group to take charge of a new investigation into this activity that would present reliable data.

With this initiative, the prostitutes considered that it was possible to draw up an accurate diagnosis of prostitution in Spain and to legislate in accordance with the reality experienced by women in this world.

Despite all this, those who wish to have contact with sex workers can still do so through specialised sites such as Escort Advisor or other platforms. Make sure that the prostitute you choose matches your preferences in terms of what you like and don't like to do in sex, in order to ensure comfort and enjoyment for both parties.

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